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Updated: Oct 22, 2023

In light of the new occult boom happening at the moment and the recognition of occult subjects in the UK with the release of Exeter's university now offering a degree in such matters I thought I'd post about my expierence at Boscastles historical museum of Witchcraft where I had the pleasure of visiting this year.

Recently if you follow the blog you'd have seen in my post about Satanic Magick, you would know that I spoke about a documentary known as โ€˜Legend of witchesโ€™. We're introduced to the king of the witches; Alexander Sanders, who infamously performs a Black Mass ritual for the masses to see. Just before this scene, we are guided through the witchcraft Museum by the documentary narrator. It is this very museum that I attended earlier this year. I'll begin the blog by saying if you do attend the witchcraft Museum, then make sure to check out the surrounding area because it is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful it's like something out of a fairytale or a novel.

Boscastles Beautiful Outdoors

Though I'm not one to worship deities, I couldn't help but do a small ritual to the ancient god Pan being so overwhelmed with the beauty of this place and to keep in line with the Wiccan and Ocuult theme that day!

There is a brilliant walkway which goes from the main car park all the way through the valley, but I personally walks down past the car park to where the war ended, and then walked back on myself on the other side of the wall where there is a small spot, which not many people see or know about, there is a small ledge there, and that's where I performed my ritual, and that's where I picked up two stones from the stream and wrote the date to put on my altar at home.

BAFOSatan Stones

Shockingly, I didn't actually think the museum is open as I looked on the Google page, and it said it wasn't open, so I felt like a bit of an idiot to say the least travelling all that way from Reading, but I thought I'd go and check anyway, as I've spotted a few witchy looking folk about and it was a good thing I did because they were open!



Upon arrival I was greeted by some amazing women who were so very kind and just lovely to talk to. I notified them that they didn't speak on behalf of the Satanic Temple but I was a part of the community by being given the first facilitator role of British Associated Fellowship of Satan, the candidate group for The British devision of The Satanic Temple. They were absolutely overjoyed to hear this, and they immediately wanted to show me the Satanic Temple part of the Museum, so they gave me a private tour of the TST part themselves which they didn't need to do so I felt very special being lead through the museum by the witchy lady in charge that day, when you tell people that you're a part of the community, you are usually met with a judgemental disapproving faces of the person you've told, but in this case, I actually was made to feel at home with them and I felt understood. It was insane! I felt so honoured.

The Satanic Temple display at The Witches Museum

The story goes that Simon Cotsin, the guy who opened the witchcraft Museum all those years ago, spent some time in New York with TST and ever since then TST have sent through some really amazing objects, and Simon really wanted it on display so I was treated with such respect which was so very lovely whilst being shown the display.

Myself in front of the satanic temple display
The Satanic Temple's Display at Boscastle Witch's Museum


PIeces of Anton Lavey's Church of Satan
The Anton Lavey Church of Satan part of The Witches Museum

Before I was with The Satanic Temple, I was with The Church of Satan, the doctrines started to go a bit cold on me later in my COS story but still seeing the pieces of Anton Lavey was absolutely fantastic and extremely emotional.

This inspired me to get the TIME magazine myself...

TIME magazine, Occult Issue
TIME magazine, Occult Issue

TIME magazine, Occult Issue
TIME magazine, Occult Issue

TIME magazine, Occult Issue
TIME magazine, Occult Issue


Of course, I had to get a picture with the huge Baphomet they have in there...

My New Husband...


Aleister Crowley - The Wicket Man in The World or The Great Beast 666

Aleister Crowleys Objects
Aleistser Crowleys Crown and various Objects

So it was at this point I started crying so embarrassing!

Order of the Golden Dawn Pieces
Order of the Golden Dawn Pieces

Gerald Gardener - King of the Witches

King of the Witches, Gerald Gardener


A beautiful pendant I picked up at the shop. Along with the two posters above


To finish off the blog I'd like to say it was incredible seeing a friends work also in the museum, Mr Jason Atomic of Satanic Mojo, who has his own blog at

I can't recommend Boscastle more for a long weekend away and especially this absolute crystal of a place, my parents always told me a story where they broke down outside of museum in the 70's, in front of the Witches museum at the very moment a strong mist came in from the sea, my parents were so scared they genuinely hid in the car until it passed ha! My mother always gleefully tells the story, it's wonderful to think that her one of her offspring would have such strong ties eventually to the occult and satanism, though they still claim occasionally that they're not sure where I came from lol!

Blessed Be,

Minister Sitri Tommy Belucifer.

The Father of Harlots


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