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𝔄 ℌ𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔴𝔞𝔶 𝔗𝔬 ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩: 𝔖𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔠 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔤𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

A Highway To Hell: Satanic Pilgrimages (notes from the Satanic service)

/Do you see the idea of taking pilgrimages as a necessary aspect of your Satanism? Why not?/

I think we need to take into consideration a persons situation before we rush to answer this, some people don’t have the funds, access or have enough support in order to make long pilgrimages like I’ve done in the past so I feel extremely privileged to be able to take such journeys. I think if anyone has extra needs or needs help with travelling then I’m sure doing a Satanic Pilgrimage with a fellow Satanist whom you can trust and know well is a good way forward, if a pilgrimage is something you really yearn to do. I know a lot of us are pretty introverted so there’s nothing wrong with doing research on areas and knowing the historical contexts of a few satanic sites without visiting them personally can have just as much awe and is probably less stressful then getting to some of these places. However saying that, with all my privilege, I have to say one of the main things Satanism has brought me is the will to travel as well as be reintroduced into academia. A pilgrimage can be anything from a place to an inner journey or maybe even the journey of life, I think what’s really interesting here is theistic and atheistic versions of Satanism, unlike the bible we don’t have specific places other than maybe the desert where the devil tempted JEEEBUS. So let’s play devils advocate for a moment and stick with that thought process, would our place be hell? It’s an interesting thought when you think about how atheistically do we define what a pilgrimage is.

So the personal ones I have in mind are:

- The Satanic Temple in Salem where you can meet Baphomet lol

- Madrid as mentioned where you’ll see Goyas black paintings with Baphomets and Witches, you’ll see Bosch’s work with the depictions of hell and even Gurnica by Piccaso, which has more occult connections than what you might think and not to mention the Fallen Angel Statue. It was immense.

- The Genie De Mal in Brussels where I met the fabulous BENELUX team whom were just so incredible and such lovely people, I couldn’t have asked for anything more. Obviously this is based in the beautiful Liege

- Hell in Lanzarotte is fun or even Sweden

- I’m going to the Night of Demons in Majorca next week which lands on the 24th in Spain, where people dress up as demons and spit fire into the air and apparently we all run around a colosseum where the demons chase you which is going to be magical

- *Kaunas, Lithuania: Žmuidzinavičius Museum*is the only museum dedicated to the devil

- The Fallen Angel (1847) is housed at the Musée Fabre in Montpellier, France

- The process church of the final judgement museum in Rome

- San Fran to visit where the black house use to be.

- PARIS Church of Saint Merri, Paris. first ‘The Satanic Church’

- Ukraine, Bald Mountain


England, Scotland, Northern and Southern Ireland

- The British Museum has loads of Satanic stuff in it, from Williams Blakes original works to Pazuzu statues and me and a fellow member went to a great exhibition where we saw great deities such as the one and only Lilith.

- - Oscar Wilde Memorial Sculpture in Dublin where I also visited with a TST member

- Boleskine House in Lock Ness, where Crowley did his famous Abremellon ritual which he failed and the abbey of Thelma in Sicily.

- The Museum of Witchcraft & Magic Boscastle, England.

- The Hellfire Club just outside of Dublin ALSO The Hellfire Club in High Wycombe England.

- Highgate Cemetery where there’s a lot of history of Satanic happenings

- The Birth and Death place of Aleister Crowley

- The original place where the golden dawn was headquartered, 36 Blythe Road – London

- The science museum and greenwich observatory park which also has the Prime Meridian at Greenwich has divided the eastern and western hemispheres of the earth. London.

- The three biggest occult stores in London which are Watkins, Treadwells and Atlantis

- The Viktor Wynd Museum Of Curiosities

- The Satanic Flea Market which is on every few months at electroworks in Angel London, my friend Jason runs it which is good fun.

- Loftus Hall in Co Wexford

- William Blakes House London

- John Miltons House where he wrote Paradise Lost, Museum in Chalfont St Giles, England.

- Corke was apparently calved out by the devil

A few main Witchy places are:

- Pendle Hill in Lancashire, where I was conceived. And the witch statue at Roughlee Old Hall, Nelson, Lancashire

- Burley in the New Forest

- Witby Goth Festival

- Salem, the statue of Elizabeth Montgonomy

Just to mention a few!

My ‘first’ official Pilgrimage was seeing the fountain of the fallen angel in Madrid, I did that alone and spent 6 hours with the statue that stands 666 meters above sea level. I did a very small ritual in front of it and took this conquer back with me from spain, which I know is a little naughty but it’s kept locked away in a box behind glass so as to not contaminate anywhere with, though I’d love lots of Lucifer trees spouting out around my place, that would be lovely! Ironically on the way out from seeing the Satanic statue, I then got lost finding the exit and when someone found me and asked if I needed help whom spoke English, I asked for his name and he replied ‘Jesus’. So I just went and spent 6 hours with Satan to be rescued by Jesus, who evidentially turned out to be a lawyer whom I stayed with for a week. But that whole Journey was incredible from seeing Hyronymous Bosch’s work to Goyas work, to seeing the fallen angel statue, the whole thing was immense.

1. /What do you think is the most important aspect of a religious pilgrimage? The journey? The destination? What you do when you get there, or something else maybe?/

Firstly I’d recommend if you can, to visit somewhere alone, or having a step away from your friend who’s joined you when you do reach such a destination. The pure feeling of ‘I made it’ is phenomenal and I can understand why religions for so many years have made pilgrimages such a poignant part of their worship. Not only are you satisfying the need of the subject matter being in your interests, but it opens you up to experiencing a different culture, different foods, different people. Making friends.

It’s also connected me with friends who I’ve had online for a while now and them being so kind and opening up their home to me and looking after me is so beyond kind, I can’t wait to return the favour.

Meeting everyone at the Benelux meet up and the Ireland meet ups was just magical and really made it for me, but there might be a slight difference between a social meeting and a sacred journey.

Do I see it important in my Satanic practice? Yes personally I do, it’s not right for everyone and we’re so individualistic but Satanism has brought me back to academia, travelling, thinking strategically, learning lots of lessons about people, culture and that I am a hell of a lot stronger than what I ever thought I’d be. By seeing these places that are so important it somehow immerses you in the mythology, it’s a transition of substance that I wouldn’t be able to achieve if I didn’t see these places. It is a lot of time and a lot of money and a lot of effort so again I’m extremely lucky to be able to do what I do. That’s why I like to write about these experiences that on my blog or on an instagram post when I do these things so I can hopefully share a bit of the journey. In regards to people who struggle travelling by themselves it’s always a great idea to find a friend if you do have struggles with travel on any level, two heads are better than one and I’ve personally in this situation and supported a friend and we had a great time so if the want is there then you can totally turn it into a reality. Money wise there’s always deals and stuff out there for 2 people, it’s a rare benefit from being in a monogamous construct lol!


Service will be uploaded soon. Pictures of a few Satanic Pilgrimages I’ve been on.

Satanic Pilgrimages Alister Crowleys Birth Place
Alister Crowley's Birth Place, Leamington Spa, England.

Satanic Pilgrimages . Genie De Mal
Genie De Mal, Leige, Brussels.

Lilith Satanic Pilgrimages
Lilith, British Museum - feminine power the divine to the demonic

the fountain of the fallen angel, satanic pilgrimages
The Fountain of The Fallen Angel, Madrid, Spain

Ishtar, Satanic Pilgrimages.
Ishtar, The British Museum, The Goddess of the Night.


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