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Updated: Nov 7, 2023

This week I conducted my first service as a minister, I had three brilliant satanists whom were kind enough to join me on the panel.

I must admit a fuck up firstly, I say it was King James the First in the video, but it was King James the 6th which is actually a lot 'cooler' and I'm not sure why my mind went to the first lol!!! So just a quick mention of that!

...these words are by the poet, John Milton. Milton has been a huge influence in our Satanic journeys, writing Paradise lost in the 1600s. It changed our trajectory of time.

Time is a bizarre concept, obviously we grow into it. Itโ€™s something we die with something we are born with, but what if an icon was so powerful that it transcended time itself in this service will explore the meaning of rebellion with two figures, see how these figures have caused real change up to recent times. A trigger warning now to those whom are watching, this subject matter, we will be covering a wide variation of topics including terrorism, religion and acts of rebellion, my panelists andR I will do our best to maintain the peace during this argument and be respectful, however this may get a little heated at times, if I could kindly ask my panelists to bare trigger warnings in mind, Iโ€™d much appreciate it.

These figures represent timeless rebellion in the eyes of arbitrary authority, not only that but rebellion itself, some would say โ€˜a figure of the first big rebellionโ€™ if you want to look at it in judo Christian terms, Lucifer has been taken from a symbol of supposed โ€˜evilโ€™ to christian on lookers, to a symbol of strength in our culture today. The other could say โ€œwe shouldnโ€™t be scared of our governmentโ€ or it could be an offensive symbol, we have the freedom to offend but at what cost? Guy Fawkes could be seen as a terrorist, nothing more nothing. less. So letโ€™s have a closer look at these figures.

In the 1600s, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of Parliament in an act of rebellion against what the government were doing, to Catholics at the time, burning them at the stake. At that time. In my imagination. Iโ€™d also like to think this was because of the burning times, where 100โ€™s of innocent people were painted as Witches burnt at the stake for simply being the other, for example, when the Pendle witches were arrested in the north of England, the very event which formed Englandโ€™s darkest time of the witch trials. They were asked if they were in cahoots with Guy Fawkes himselfโ€ฆ as well as of course Satan, so you can imagine how the King felt about Mr Fawkes if he was placing both him and Satan in the same sentence and as we all know King James, whom wrote the book โ€˜demonologieโ€™ in the 1600โ€™s, hated witches above most things!

In the 2000s, the film was released V, for vendetta, based off of a comic, which Alan Moore wrote whom is a key figure of the occult himself. The V for vendetta mask has gone on to be the symbol of the activism group, anonymous, and not just anonymous, but a genuine symbol of rebellion against the mainstream.

Throughout his career, Milton was critical of Catholicism, but it's noteworthy that during his travels in Italy in 1638โ€“39, he forged friendly personal connections with Catholics, including high-ranking Vatican officials. "In Quintum Novembris" ("On the Fifth of November") composed in 1626 during his time at Cambridge, John Milton writes the poem we all chant today. It was customary for university students to create poems on this occasion, often denouncing Roman Catholics for their involvement in such โ€˜treacheryโ€™. These themes will later morph into Paradise lost, the masterpiece that links itself with our Romantic Satan figure itself, not only does paradise lost give us the birth of sympathy for the devil but itโ€™s been theorised that paradise lostโ€™s themes were actually about climate change, we see this in a modernised version of Billie Illishโ€™s โ€œall the good girls go to hellโ€™, where Billie is thrown down from the above and hits the earth in a messy oil spilled state, the lyrics reflecting a modernised paradise lost. I mention these topics as it seems Milton wrote about these topics back then yet whoโ€™d have thought weโ€™d be still having the conversations about climate change, prejudice and tolerance of the other side of the millennium.

One would call such closeness of subject matter, an almost synchronising of subject matter time, when the Witches, Milton, Guy Fawkes and Satan all roamed the streets of London haha!

The symbol of Guy Fawkes has evolved from being associated with terrorism to representing resistance against oppressive governments. How do you interpret the symbolism of Guy Fawkes in the context of rebellion and activism today? Is he seen as a positive figure standing against arbitrary authority or negative figure, that of a terrorist killing in the name of the Catholics? TST is known for our activism as well as our Satanic belief system, Reflecting on the Gunpowder Plot and its attempted destruction of the Houses of Parliament, what does this event teach us about the limits of rebellion and the consequences of radical action in the face of perceived oppression?

So as you can tell, Satan and Guy Fawkes are linked in bizzare ways, both end in a fiery pit, if that be on earth or the mythology of hell, an oily, forever fire, warning us about our future from the pasts mistakesโ€ฆ Or being somewhat baptised by unholy fire, changing into symbols of rebellion forever, just as relevant now as they were at their inception. My panelists today Iโ€™ve hand picked, Iโ€™ve focused mostly around the UK due to the culture the topics based on, but I canโ€™t wait to hear if any other cultures celebrate something similar to November 5th, please feel free to let me know in the chat, but if I could kindly ask our chat to be kept on the subject matter and to a minimum so as to not distract too much away from our service weโ€™d really appreciate it, Iโ€™d also like to thank TST TV for hosting this service today, we are forever in your debt.


Guy Fawkes has had many interpretations throughout history, especially in modern times, I believe we burnt a figure of Guy Fawkes as a symbol to not stand for terrorism, he was a more negative symbol however since then with the V for Vendetta franchise morphing Guy Fawkes into a symbol of โ€œPeople shouldnโ€™t be scared of their governmentsโ€, what does the symbol of Guy Fawkes mean to you? Is he positive? Is he negative?

f this beautiful online space for us to gather. These services are free to attend, but the platform and streaming do cost money. If you want to help support these religious services, you can donate using the link that is now being shared in the chat.

Speaking of the chat, I'd also like to thank the monitor who is minding the text chat today. Some people find lots of back and forth there to be distracting. So, letโ€™s try to keep general talk to a minimum, so everyone can focus on the service. Although, of course, you should feel free to use the chat to react to things that people are saying on the live stream.

OK? Let's begin!

I am Minister Sitri Tommy Belucifer, today is the 5th of November, and our topic today is Baptised by Fire, Lucifer and Guy Fawkes as rebellious symbols.

Content warning and triggers for today: Terrorism, historical violence and political talk.

With that out of the way, I have recorded a special video for you all today of the invocation and the opening presentation.

Iโ€™d like to kick off our discussion by asking each person on the panel:

1. What attracted you personally to Lucifer?

(Are we all secretly lustful after a badboy?)

2. โ€œV for Vendettaโ€ introduced the iconic V mask, The Satanic Temple introduced Baphomet, which have both become symbols of activism. What role do symbols and visual representations play in modern movements for change, and how do they connect with historical acts of rebellion?

Probably meant introducing baphomet as a figure of activism



3.Both Satan and Guy Fawkes are associated with fire and chaos, reflecting themes of rebellion. With their fiery connotations, but it begs the question, is justice always worth it?

4. How is Guy Fawkes seen in your culture, if at all and if heโ€™s not, is there anyone that has a similzar representation in your culture? Iโ€™ve heard a figure of the pope is also burnt on this very evening yearly just as a bonus stamp there!!..


Thank you

(The 5th is a larger subject matter but just in case)

5. The theme of climate change is mentioned in relation to โ€œParadise Lostโ€. How does the symbolism in these works connect with contemporary environmental concerns, and what can we learn from this linkage between literature and real-world issues? A great modern version as mention is Billie Eilishโ€™s - all the good girls go to hell

Well, it looks like the hour for our service is almost up! Iโ€™d like to thank all of you in the audience for spending this time with us to explore the symbols of rebellion that have transcended time itself and what they mean to you personally. Iโ€™d like to finish by pausing so we can all take a moment to think about [...]

Thank you for joining our service. Although this service is now over, Iโ€™d like to encourage you to check out [..


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