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Updated: Aug 16

Here's my 8 tips and trickery for designing rituals

Image from time magazine occult revival issue
  1. Archetypes and connotations can be used as a representation to each personalised ritual you're working on. Such as symbols, stimulants of the 5 senses to connect on an emotional level, communication with ritual items to your practitioners and participants, causing the desired outcome for each ritual set up. Experimenting will be a feature here depending on your experience and reflection but staying with set rituals is a good starting point. Archetypal representation acts as a emotional response to give meaning and purpose, this can lead to personal growth and have psychological impacts from these practices, Carl Jung introduced the idea of archetypal representation into psychology which is used outside of occult spaces.

  2. Symbols are a great way to connect with whom seeks such practices such as the moon representing femininity, the sun representing life and power. These symbols can lead to transcendence and add power to the ritual, mostly importance.

  3. Deities can help give the cause to the theme of the ritual and to cement your will and outcomes such as invoking trickster gods like Loki for change or an adversarial figure Satan to challenge societal norms or Lucifer for the power of knowledge or Ishtar/Lilith for feminine worship. Each deity has a great tradition, historical value and cultural reference which can affect the involvement of such individual who performs the ritual. 

  4. Intent and Focus are a huge part of a ritual, to give authenticity to a ritual it must have a focus or intent for the outcome, these can be reached with the symbolism of each object or ritual tool, texture, scent, sounds. Intent is what the ritual is intended to achieve, you achieve this with mental focus and stimulation with the 5 senses. 

  5. Connotation can cause emotional responses for each person holding the ritual, colours can signify certain aspects of what you're trying to achieve for example blue can act as a communication tool, a mirror for self reflection, candles to create the idea of being sacred, crystals for clarity etc...

  6. Closing a ritual and having reflection is very important to show the appreciation for the work you're doing with yourself and others, it cements gratitude and integration into these ideas and practices. Journal work is a nice touch here or creating a grimore

  7. Meditation is absolutely proven to work, it can have huge significance and change in your life, your mental welfare is key to change the inner microcosm and in turn the macrocosm around you.


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