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𝔖𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔠 𝔄𝔩𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔈𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Three concepts based on alternative ways of celebrating during Easter as a Satanist. The first is not confined by a historical date but moves flexibly with Easter each yesr. 2&3 have specific dates but can be seen as alternative Satanic Holidays regardless.


'God is dead!' Is a replacement title for the Easter title, it fits perfectly with the holiday weekend, it also moves with the exact dates of easter. Its also perfect for Satanists who practise Satanism privately, the holiday activities are mostly the same but celebration of the crusifixion is seen from the perspective of the adversary. You can always use the day of Jesus rising (when he has his zombie moment) as a resting/hangover (even a chocolate hangover) day but the change in title is a great way to still remain within tradition but remain true to your Satanism.

What I find ironic is in modern times I'm pretty sure Satanists would likely support a rebel whom claims themselves to be God, it's very in line with Anton Laveys teachings of being god yourself! Yet like most Christianity and Satanic teachings, common ground evaporates when it's rememebered that shortly after this mythological event, Christianity sweaps throughout Europe and therefore changing the law to have Christian based ideals at the core. This has caused marginalisation to this day, it's what we fight against as Satanists. Christian based laws include the government having rights over one's bodily autonomy, governments deciding marriage was only for selected people and has ultimately enabled many more laws with the intent of causing mistreatment of minority groups for the next millennia. So even if you're not keen on the idea of celebrating the death of god as a Satanist, then take this time to rememeber the separation of church and state is vital.

Ave, Satanas,

(Fig 1)



On the 8th April 1904, Alister Crowley would receive messages from an entity known as Aiwass, a deity whom is the messenger of Egyptian God 'Horus'. The documentation which emerged from this exchange wrote the basis for the relgion 'Thelema'. Crowley also predicted a new aeon which was leading to the death of Christianity. Crowley and his wife Rose Edith Kelly were contacted by the deity during a ritual in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Rose felt dizzy and fell into a trance like state before telling Crowley "they are waiting for you" repeatedly. Crowley erkst by his wife decided to question Rose on her contact with Horus, asking her a string or questions on the deity ws rose had no prior knowledge of Egyptology. A key moment was when Rose guidied them to exhibition number 666 after Crowley questioned Rose on what Horus looked like, she had guided them to the Burlap museum and stopped in front of an image of Horus that resided on the Stele of Ankh-Ed-en-Khonsu (fig 2) without having any previous knowledge of how the Egyptians depicted Horus. Aleister himself was nicknamed "The Beast 666" by his mother and newspapers alike, which made the expierence even more extraordinary.

(Fig 2)

The most famous quote from 'The Book of the Law' was the basis to the new aeon which is:


In which is meant to mean: find your true will and follow it. Dismantle preconceived ideas and build your own.

"Had! The manifestation of Nuit.The unveiling of the company of heaven.Every man and every woman is a star.Every number is infinite; there is no difference - the opening to the book of the law, Crowley, A."

(Fig 3)

Without Crowley, Satanism would look different today. His influence is undeniable so which ever of these celebrations you choose, or even if you don't, certainly give a nod and a cheers to Mr Crowley's work and contributions to the occult.

Hail, Aleister Crowley.

(Fig 4)



On April 10th, 1633, the Church put the astronomer Galileo Galilei on trial for heresy, charging him with promoting the belief that the earth revolves around the sun, which was painted as demonic in the eyes of the church. The trial resulted in Galileo being sentenced to be imprisoned in his own home until the end of his days. Galileo's contributions to science are none refuted, without Galileo's supposedly Satanic views on science and having the courage to stand up to the church, we wouldn't know most of what we know about our universe at present.

Hail, Galileo.

(Fig 5)


Fig 1- Still from film - Passion of the Christ

Fig 2 - Stele of Ankh-Ed-en-Khonsu.

Fig 3- The book of the law. Crowley, A.

Fig 4- Crowley dressed in his Golden Dawn garb, courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

Fig 5- "Galileo Galilei 1564-1642" by Ivan Petrovich Keler-Viliandi.


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