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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚, 𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒆-𝑼𝒑 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒂𝒏

Updated: Jul 2

Satan and make up, has always been linked, been political and historically lethal.

So Satan and make up’s story starts with sex workers, in Greek times sex workers were made to wear make up by law to distinguish them from the upper classed women of status. Yet it wasn’t always like this, make up as we know it had  originated from the ancient Sumerians 3500 BC, most notably the Sumerian Queen Puabi’s make up has become legendary! Known for her elaborate head dresses and painted colourful lips, even at her burial site, it was found she was buried with her pot of lip paint. The law and cosmetics has always been a tricky subject area, with the end of the Greek empire, Romans now dominated, making it easier for make up to be transported in trade.

The below video shows how they'd make there make up it features a few icons whom I mention later in the blog.

The Egyptians known for their eyeliner, didn’t only wear eyeliner to look fierce: men, women, children and others all wore make up for religious purposes, the eyes were seen as powerful gateways to the gods. They’d decorate their eyes to resemble the all seeing eye of Horus, this design wasn’t only to look great, but was a dedication to Horus. The all seeing eye has a huge reputation in modern culture for being linked with the illuminati therefore satanism in modern culture. The all seeing eye when applied, enabled people to see the truth and deflect from black magick.

The Roman Emperor Nero is known to be the beast, 666 in revelations. He’s also known to be 616 depending how you translate it. This was code in the Bible warning Christian’s to avoid Nero  as he was killing Christians. Neros wife in legend had up to 100 servants  to keep her make up looking fierce at all hours.

Speaking of 666, it would be wrong for me not to state the next bible quote, though there's no specific make up quote, it sits perfectly in line with what todays blog post is about :


"I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints".

I'm proud to say this passage is where the name of this blog extends from. "The Father of Harlots".

The link between a powerful women whom dressed herself in jewels, make up and fabrics has always been seen as sinful, it says everything about Christianity, their attitude towards the feminine and the feminine who want to feel and look good. Not to mention the sins of 'Vanity' and 'Lust', i mean give me a break already!

The crusades opened up the trade routes between the western world and places like the east, who never had issues with make up and sold such products like eye paints, lips paints, rouges for the cheeks. In times of Christianity, cleanliness was seeing as next to godliness and the branding of the make up from eastern cultures was advertised as magick or magickal when sold to the public. Alchemists also had a huge hand in being involved with make up making process and used such materials in alchemical practises. This led people who wore the make up, to do incantations when they put on their lip paint, basically turning the act of putting on make up into a ritual. This then lead the wider audiences to think that make up actually prolonged your life and as you can imagine, this led the church to have an absolute tantrum. Stating church leaders.


𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔...

“All women in general should be warned that the work of God and His creature and image should in no way be falsified by employing yellow coloring or black powder or rouge, or, finally, any cosmetic at all that spoils the natural features," Quotes St. Cyprian, degrading women even more for wearing cosmetics.. “They are laying hands on God when they strive to remake what He has made, and to transform it, not knowing that everything that comes into existence is the work of God; that whatever is changed, is the work of the devil.”

So Satan was evil and make up with that of Satan until one Monarch came along. You changed it all…

Elizabeth 1st was quite the ruler known as the virgin Queen. She decorated herself in allsorts of Jules, allsorts of fabrics with her famous red, huge curly hair, the heart shaped face, and the small red lip was highly sought-after in the Middle Ages, after Elizabeth created such an iconic look. Yet this didn’t go without its controversy, because of the previous believe that which is why wearing make up to trick men and the alchemical connotation, her right hand man being John Dee. It was rumoured that Elizabeth the first was a witch. Elizabeth was so dedicated to her make up that when she died, she would was wearing half an inch of lip paint on her mouth, but it wasn’t just the vanity that kept. Elizabeth applying the make up so heavily, and make up was made of blood and mercury. Therefore, it was killing her and literally rotting her flesh, so much so she was believed to have died from her make up routine. She’s still a fashion icon though… Its worth mentioning that in this era, women of the time also dripped deadly nightshade into their eyes to make them appear bigger and therefore more lustful.

Unfortunately, king James is well… a prick to say the least.., though he’s part of our LGBT+ heritage, he’s one which we’d prefer to forget about as he was reason for the beginning of the severe Inquisition that happened towards people who were different under his reign, mostly women due his misogynistic views extending from Elizabeth the 1st beheading his mother. If you were seen to be wearing make up, it was seen as deceptive, and therefore witchcraft in the eyes of the law, so a bit of lip paint could have you burnt at the stake. In a matter of fact a law was passed at this time to imprison women who tricked men by wearing makeup before their marriage day. She would have been put to death for trickery if caught. Before and after Elizabeth the first reign, I had lots of illustrations of Demons, literally putting on make up which I think is fabulous, but at the time it would’ve been pretty scary. It got so bad in England that in 1650, govt even tried to ban make up all together! But only managed to pass deception in 1770 instead, which wasn't much better but better than banning it all together.

Across the pond in France, during Louis, the 14ths reign we have the affair of the poisons, this was where the very first satanic black mass ritual recorded was performed and recorded and it was performed for the King’s affection by one of his mistress’s. According to history, she sold her soul to the devil during these rituals in order to gain the kings favour, but also at the time the lady who was linked with a few of these practices, was a lady called La Voisin, some she is a saint, some she is evil incarnate for she would sell an ointment which was highly poisonous disguised in a perfume bottle for women to give to their husbands If they were in a very abusive relationship or in a bad situation, remember you could not just divorce in these times so killing was the only option. Without the satanic element a similar case known as Aqua Tofana also reported over 600 dead from a female alchemists Guilia Tofana.

I must confess I’d love a bottle saying Aqua Tofana on it, but maybe I’ll just put my Hugo Boss perfume in it rather than something extremely poisonous. If we have any artists in the audience, let’s get on that!

Using make up as a political movement has been the latest phenomena with make up such as the suffragettes wearing a red lip to represent defiance and also in World War II women more red lipstick because Hitler simply didn’t like the look of red lipstick. We also have an amazing woman called CJ Walker, who was the first female millionaire in America… no not opera. BLASPHEMOUS OPERA… LOL! Madame C J Walker was a black female founder of a cosmetics line strictly for black women as the industry had left women of other races completely out of the industry, only catering to white women, this racism was at the dawn of the industrial cosmetics industry and its shocking to hear that the industry is only just starting to become more inclusive in recent times.

We can’t forget about about famous black mental knights who love a bit of eyeliner! Gahl eat your heart out... On a more

Serious note black mentalists see their 'war paint' as a closer asthetic to reach Satan on a 'spiritual' level or to get across their message of Satan. There's always punk to thank for the rebellious boys in eyeliner too, rock n roll has always loved make up, since Elvis, Bowie, Brian Molko and beyond

Even Anton and Zena Lavey had views on how a women of the church of Satan should present themselves with make up:

“I can tell you one thing. A man hates it when a woman puts on so much make-up that you can't see the skin anymore. Take it easy on the make-up girls! Black is fine, but black-holes for eyes are not so sensual to stare in. Red lipstick is fine, but guys just hate it when they get to a mirror and see that their face or neck is smudged. Perfum, same thing, we all have our own odour, men like that. Don't go cover it up with heavy perfums that smell like fake roses. Get something like musk or some other neutral perfume” Anton Lavey, The Satanic Witch.

All this is, a majority of the time is about misogynistic males who don’t want women to have control of their own autonomy. A women in control? How petrifying! How very Immoral eye roll. I personally endorse the witchy make up not just on women but also on men and anyone else whomst choose to wear such rebellious fashion. nothing is more fierce than the feminine taking control of their own narratives.

INSPO for this blog: Bailey Sarian's Dark History


Jordan Emmett
Jordan Emmett
Aug 04, 2023

It was my Lord Azazel who is credited (Or blamed) for introducing make-up to women in Jewish mythology, right?

Tommy Bedward
Tommy Bedward
Nov 11, 2023
Replying to

I do believe it was!! Xx

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