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Updated: Jul 2

ATOMIC: Launching Mojozine 3 featuring my explosive article on the Genie De Mal while celebrating with the likes of Nikolas Shreck and other rebels at

Bar Heglis


Dark Demon
Demonism La Pandemonium

Firstly, I want to thank Jason Atomic for being such a lovely guy who has given me opportunity after opportunity. Supporting Jason's work is vital for our community to thrive being well known as one of the founders of the Satanic Flea Market and the legendary "Satanic Mojo magazine" in joint with "Mojozine". I'll be writing about Mojozine 3 where I have been allowed to have an article! If anyone is interested in buying a copy you can find it here at Jason's shop (for reference the cover is below)

So the article is based on when The Satanic Temple congregation: BENELUX, invited me to join them to see The Genie De Mal and how it felt to be stood in front of a piece of artwork that I've admired for so long.

Nikolas Shreck and Minister Sitri Tommy Belucifer

A living legend (and shockingly my associate) was surprisingly at the event, that fiend: Nikolas Shreck! I always value words of wisdom from Nik. Hopefully, we'll be working together soon. Nik is such an insightful person in modern times but has a colorful history with some controversy attached to his legacy, regardless I'll still stand by the growth of someone who has been nothing but an asset to my life in the occult and I've read more recent articles by Nik which admit his shortcomings in earlier years. My main interest in Nik was through his time being the spokesperson of The Church of Satan for many years with Zeena Lavey, daughter of Anton Lavey - who is responsible for writing 'The Satanic Bible'. I remember watching Nikolas Shreck's interviews as a teenager and though his comments sometimes confused me, I was still so very intrigued by his work I'm glad I stayed up to date with his projects because knowing him has influenced my outlook on this world, he’s also broadened my spectrum on philosophy which gives me hope that one's opinion on a subject-matter, really can change (fig 1). My ties to Nik have rattled a few cages as a small group of associates questioned my character being tied to him. Yet as a Satanist and genuine believer in not judging someone on their past (within reason), especially when distorted by the media, I find it irritating that my morals would be questioned in such a way. Not to mention following our beloved TST tenet of “People are fallible…” so with this said, I stand by my judgment and interaction with Nik, he’s been nothing but a source of inspiration and true kindness to not just me but many others I know. So though I know you folk had good intentions, I can handle true enemies and I trust my judgment but thank you for looking out for me. Nik left The Church of Satan many moons ago with Zeena Lavey (they also left The Temple of Set from my understanding) and is now a practicing tantric Buddhist, he describes his beliefs here and, in my humble opinion, his ‘liberation’ from the suffering not just in himself but for all understanding of life. Which is a beautiful concept, theistic or not, this philosophy is incredible to enlighten oneself in our life journey. With meditation, I do believe this can be a modern satanic practice and I’ve seen many turn to such practices. Nik explains his religious beliefs in the video below along with Niks Instagram & Wiki.

 My article is placed just after the Nikolas Shreck's article in the zine, which is truly an honor.

Signing the article In Mojozine 3

I want to mention the launch event took place in the wonderful Stef's BAR HELGIS!

A now famous occult bar based in Hackney, London, the center of most occult happenings around Britain, Stef also has a beautiful store named 'The Moon Temple' which specializes in selling occult materials. You can find the website and Instagram at the end of this blog post, I strongly recommend looking at some of the upcoming events because Stef and the team have gone 'as above, so below' and beyond with the performances planned this year!

More info on Helgis at:



The artworks showcased above belong to Jason Atomic, exhibited at the renowned Salem Art Gallery in Salem, Massachusetts, and the headquarters of TST. I've mentioned Atomic on this blog (not just blog post) a few times, mostly noteable in this case is my post on Witchcraft and Magic museum, where Jason also has worked displayed.

The Launch event was truly exceptional, and I express my gratitude to the supportive small community outside of TST that has consistently backed my journey. One admirable quality of Jason is his capacity to stay impartial and non-judgmental towards other satanic groups, irrespective of gossip circulating in the grapevine. He treats each group equally and is a pleasure to collaborate with. Explore more of Jason's remarkable artwork through the links provided below. and contribute to his vision:



fig 1. Source info for commentary by Nik: Satan Superstar, a handbook of the infernal and the immaculate in pop occulture edited by David Flint

Bar Helgis, Satanic Mojo, artwork by Jason Atomic, mentions of the church of Satan, the temple of set and the satanic flea market.


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