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𝔖𝔞𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔠 𝔐𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℜ𝔦𝔱𝔲𝔞𝔩

Updated: Oct 17, 2023


The practice of magick has a long history in many different religious and spiritual traditions. In this post I'll bridge the gap and do my best to explain Satanic Ritual and Magick, there're people out their much more knowledgeable about the subject than myself and for this reason I've uploaded some PDF books and linked some free YouTube video's at the end of this post for everyone to gain more knowledge from. This is a huge subject matter so this is part one, enjoy.

The inspiration for this blog post was two things: I recently watched ‘Legend of Witches’ (fig 1) a captivating black and white documentary on the origins of Wicca staring Alex Sanders dubbed the ‘King of Witches’, the general conjuring tempted my curiosity further into the subject matter, especially the infamous ‘Black Mass’ performed by Sanders in the documentary. The secondar y element of my infatuation was when I joined a particular Satanic group, one of my first, so when mentioning and proposing the idea of wanting to perform ritual with them, they literally sniggered. The shock was obviously from the past research into Satanism I’d dove into over the past 18 years, and my assumption was that they’d want to conduct a ritual or mass with me. I wasn’t offended, being mostly a solitary Satanist I expected some form of confusion but by mentioning magick and ritual had I done something wrong ?? What was the view of magick held within the group and why was it so heavily rejected? If it was apart of our culture and religion then surely they’d want to engage in such acts.

Legend of The Witches Cast
Legend of The Witches Cast, including Sanders, King of the Witches

Satanic Magick and Satanic Ritual
Legend of The Witches Movie Poster

Magick is a phenomenon which has huge connection to the Satanic world and in my humble knowledge, the difference between mainstream religion and the occult, is the occult is a system of alternative beliefs that mostly have a magick system. In the wider or majority of the Satanic community, magick is often seen as a powerful tool for self-transformation and personal empowerment. But what exactly is magick in this context, and how is it practiced? Why does it matter so much to the Satanist? and why is it so heavily debated in our community?

Magick is the basis of the occult in my belief. It separates us from other mainstream religions. When I speak of magick, you can have many different stereotypes and connotations thrown into one cauldron at once. I’m going to be talking, not only about the Golden Dawn sort of Magick, but also illusionary magic like from a toy shop and the supernatural kind of magic that’s created mostly by visual effects for film.

Crowley in Colour

Aleister Crowley is a well-known figure in occultism and is considered to be one of the most influential figures in the development of Satanic magick. Crowley’s work, most notably “The Book of the Law,” which introduced the concept of Thelema, played a significant role in shaping modern Satanic beliefs and practices. His emphasis on individualism, self-discovery, and personal power resonated strongly with the Satanic community, and his writings on ritual, magick, and symbolism continue to be studied and utilized by practitioners today. Crowley’s influence can be seen in many aspects of Satanic magick, including the use of ritualistic practices, the use of symbolism and sigils, and the focus on self-transformation and personal power.

In the 1960s, Wicca had diverged into two distinct paths: Gardnerian and Alexandrian. The latter was named after British witch Alex Sanders, who, along with his wife Maxine, led a coven in London. Unfortunately, Sanders played a significant role in perpetuating the confusion between Unfortunately, Sanders played a significant role in perpetuating the confusion between devil worship, Satanism and Wicca, though I find it an important mixture of all mediums . Alexander has a prominent role in the documentary "Legend of the Witches" (1970) the movie I watched recently. Wicca and Satanism are linked, this has been debated and no they are not the same thing but they are linked massively, especially due to the link of the "The Horned God" and "Lucifer" as the sun God. Most notably in the 60's we have the birth of Anton Lavey's "The Church of Satan" (1966) which is a huge influence of Satanism obviously.

"Anton LaVay the founder of the church of Satan, whom was inspired heavily by Crowley, classified his version and theory of magick as 'the change in situations or events in accordance with one’s will, which would, using normally accepted methods, be unchangeable.' Lavey separates magick into two forms of acts at will./Greater and lesser magic/. “designate types of beliefs with the term greater magic applying to practice meant as to focus one’s emotions for a specific purpose and lesser magic applied to the practice of magick by means of and glamour."

I personally find an example of the human condition by Anton even more alluring than these two incredible concepts. As a child, Anton used to look through catalogues and order magic tricks from toy shops from around the USA, on one occasion, he stated he found the essence of human nature in one illusionary magic trick. The trick had a big red button on it, it stated on the trick that when you press the button, you could see with x-ray vision, so the subject would press down extremely hard on the button, and as they did a needle would spring up through the middle of the button and puncture that finger always making the subject give out a loud screech and gasp in shock. This is what the human nature is thought Anton: it is cruel and it is animalistic, sadistic whilst laughing at others pain, I remember in my early Satanism days, this story really stood out to me as it became clear that being the alternative in society was always going to be a problem and knowing that from a young age, has clearly given me a slightly nihilistic view of the human race on occasions. Yet what an amazing concept from something so simple, such as a magic trick from a toy store. You could almost apply such philosophy to many actions and letting the subject take what they do from such arts.

“LaVey seemed to be more concerned with the therapeutic purpose of magic. As it states in the Satanic Bible: “Visual imagery utilised for emotional reaction is certainly the most important device incorporated in the practice of lesser magic. Anyone who is foolish enough to say “looks don’t mean a thing” is indeed deluded. Good looks are unnecessary, but “looks” certainly are needed!”

From these lenses lets have a look at some key practices and

tools of magick:


Ritual plays an important role in Satanic practice, serving as a powerful tool for self-transformation and personal empowerment. Satanic rituals often involve the use of symbolic objects and actions, such as candles, incense, and chants, as a way to focus the practitioner’s mind and tap into their inner power. The specific content of these rituals can vary widely depending on the individual practitioner, but they often involve the invocation of Satanic deities or spirits, the casting of spells, and the use of sigils and other symbols. Rituals in Satanism are often seen as a way to connect with the deeper parts of the self and the universe, and to harness the power of the mind to create positive change in the physical world. Ultimately, Satanic ritual serves as a way for practitioners to express their beliefs and connect with the power and energy of the universe if believed so or the goal of rituals mostly to solve some inner struggle or is to focus the mind and create a space where one’s will can be channeled and directed towards a specific goal.



Sigil magic is a technique where a practitioner creates a unique symbol or design that represents their desired outcome. This symbol is then charged with energy and released into the world, with the belief that it will manifest the desired outcome. Alternatively sigils can already be in existence for example the 72 goetic demons have assigned Sigils, these are worked with in the ritual space in order to give the best outcome as possible, by working with the sigil you are summoning that particular entity or demanding they act on your behalf.

I was personally drawn to the sigil of Belial, Belial’s sigil is below.

Belial Sigil
Belial Sigil

wearing Belial sigil
Me wearing the Belial Sigil


Many Satanic practitioners use meditation and visualisation techniques as a way to tap into their inner power and focus their will. This can include techniques like mindfulness meditation, visualisation of desired outcomes, and energy work. From personal experience, I’ve found more theistic Satanists work with energy where as atheistic Satanists focus on meditation.


  1. Athame Dagger, The Sword: Athame is elemental in nature while the sword is planetary in nature.

  2. The Pentagram and Goat of Mendes/Baphomet: Sacred Satanic Symbols, notably created by Elaphis Levi.

  3. Incense: Incense has a long history with ritual, but there're actually some benefits to Incense other than the calming effects it has on someone whom meditates. "There are several studies showing the antibacterial properties of incense smoke. One study showed that burning high quality incense caused a 94% reduction in airborne bacteria. " to me this is absolutely fascinating as incense was always used to cleanse the air before performing ritual or magick, turns out, incense really does cleanse the air!

  4. Chalice: The chalice is traditionally used to hold wine. In other practises the chalice is mostly a symbol of the Goddess Diana particularly her womb or a representation of Succubus, Queen of Demons, Lilith.

In some Satanic Practices (theistic and Satanic Witchery) these particular objects are representative of:

  • Earth - Pentacle

  • Fire - Wand

  • Air - Sword

  • Water - Chalice

  • West/Tiamat/Blue

  • North/Lilith/Green

  • East/Lucifer/Yellow

  • South/Satan/Red Most notably taken from The Golden Dawn.

  • The Great Eastern Quadrangle of Air

  • The Great Western Quadrangle of Water

  • The Great Northern Quadrangle of Earth

  • The Great Southern Quadrangle of Fire

(Video- My Satanic Altar)


While magick in the Satanic community is often seen as a powerful tool for personal transformation and empowerment, it’s important to note that ethics also play a significant role in the practice. Many Satanic practitioners believe in the idea of personal responsibility, and that one’s actions should not harm others. As a result, many Satanic magick practices focus on self-improvement rather than causing harm to others, though in some types of Devil worship, there does seem to be a small amount whom do use sacrifice within its practice but there is a difference in Satanism and Devil Worship.

It’s also worth noting that while the use of magick in Satanism may seem controversial to some, it’s important to respect the beliefs and practices of others. As with any spiritual or religious tradition, individuals have the right to explore their beliefs and practices in a way that feels authentic and meaningful to them.


I know I sound like a broken record but before I start I want to remind everyone that I do not speak on behalf of any Satanic Organisation and that includes The Satanic Temple (TST).

TST's approach to Satanism surpasses LaVey's in terms of ethics and positivity. Similar to LaVey, TST rejects the notion that external forces dictate one's life and instead promotes personal agency. Both approaches acknowledge the social and confidence-boosting benefits of rituals, without subscribing to supernatural beliefs. This highlights the fact that religious individuals often find personal and communal affirmation in their faith, even though TST's worship does not require rituals.

TST's rituals are rich in post-modern symbolism, acknowledging the imagery associated with Satanism in various forms and popular culture e.g some rituals involve biting into apple slices as a symbol of embracing the forbidden fruit of knowledge and the first sin of eve. Goats also play a significant role due to their historical association with Satan, as portrayed in movies like "The VVitch," which TST actively promoted at the time of it's release. Baphomet is frequently featured in TST's imagery, notably in the form of statues used to protest religious monuments on government property. Additionally, common symbols such as the pentagram, Lucifer sigil, and inverted cross contribute to the overall symbolism of TST.

A few of TST's Rituals include:

I. The Unbaptism

II. The Destruction Ritual

III. Black Mass

IIII. Pink Mass

IV. Abortion Ritual

TST encourages members to create altars that reflect their personal journey to Satanism. These altars are meant to represent the individual practitioner and are not used for supernatural worship. The appointed guiding Minister too TST's Rituals is Shiva Honey, whom has released multiple books on Ritual endorsed by TST, you can find Honey's tools for Ritual along with the books themselves at

The Devils Tome, Shiva Honey
The Devils Tome, Shiva Honey

So lets define Magick in Satanism:

In Satanic beliefs, magick is often defined as the art of causing change in accordance with one’s will. This can include a wide range of practices, from ritualistic spell-casting to meditation and visualization techniques. The ultimate goal of magick in Satanism is to tap into one’s own inner power and use it to manifest desired outcomes in the physical world.

My conclusion and what Satanic Magick is to me: Satanic Magick or Satanic Ritual is an act of self help performed in which real benefits are derived from to support a life event. The psychodramatic effect of such acts such as manifestation, casting a spell or performing a ritual has real consequential benefits for the practitioners, such acts are focused on the when one is at a mental discomfort for example- relieving grief, relieving anxiety, in which real benefits are derived from, the psychodramatic effect of such an event such as manifestation or meditation has real consequences for the human condition. contribution towards helping with mental health and much more.

(Video- Ritual for my dad- "So it is done!)

Though there are differences between acts such as Satanic Prayer, Satanic Magick, Satanic Ritual, Satanic Masses: they all have the common theme of action at a will, meaning If you do something with a will, *you do it with a lot of passion and energy*. Set to work with a will and be pleased with the amount you get done. Action = consequences and it always something they contributes towards the main event, these are systems which support your daily life.

In other words- Satanists like feeling fucking good and they’ll always try and help themselves and others in order to feel fucking good because what is the point in life if it isn’t to get to a place of feeling good? And that can be taking pleasure in sadness, taking comfort in the darkness,

being thrilled by being scared, we take pleasure in the aesthetically dramatic and we show that all the time with our symbolism, our styles and our emotions.

I’ve taken much pleasure in writing this blog post and trying to express a little bit more about who I am, but I simply enjoying writing this blog, or why the hell would I do it… This joy is what I’d describe as pure Magick…

This is the end of part one:



Occult History and Satanic Ritual Books:

Cursed Britain a History of Witchcraft & Black Magic in Modern Times:

The Witches Handbook:

Satanic Rituals:

Occult History Of Magic:

Film Refs:

(fig 1)

Legend of the Witches | Prime Video

Free Video's on Youtube:




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