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Updated: Dec 4, 2023

From a Satanist's perspective, "Satan Wants You" is an incredibly fascinating piece of visual media that delves into the 1980's Satanic Panic phenomenon. It presents the viewpoint of Satanists and provides factual information without imposing any personal opinion on the audience. The documentary highlights the infamous memoir "Michelle Remembers," which was fabricated by a psychiatrist who convinced his patient, Michelle, that she had been a victim of "Satanic ritual abuse" which were later all debunked as such things do not exist. Some speculate that the psychiatrist's own repressed sexual desires may have influenced these violent delusions. The documentary plays disturbing tapes of Michelle's coerced false memories, offering concrete evidence that the secret Satanist cults and ritual abuse were in fact false, despite the arrests, the lives ruined and cementing real Satanists as public enemy number one. The psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder and Michelle Smith were later married, which is so obviously abusive it could be text book abuse. They should write a book called Michelle remembers 2 where it comes out how Pazder manipulated a vulnerable person and put the wrongs they did, right.

The documentary has already scored an impressive 95% on rotten tomatoes and has been shown great love at SXSW this year.

Blanch Barton, a high priestess and member of The Church of Satan, acknowledges that she doesn't solely blame the book "Michelle Remembers," but admits it certainly contributed to the harmful and debunked theory that Satanic groups are violent and "evil".

My personal ambition and involvement with the satanic community aims to reverse this sentiment by engaging compassionately with neighbouring communities. I believe that if other communities are willing to collaborate with Satanists, even on an individual level, it would help dispel the misconceptions perpetuated by Hollywood movies and the Satanic panic such as voicing our own true beliefs as seen below with my group BAFOSatan, a candidate group of The Satanic Temple.

The popular image of Satan as a red demon with horns and a pitchfork is a modern interpretation that differs from how the figure is portrayed in the Old Testament. In those early texts, the Satan, always referred to as "the Satan," is depicted as an agent of Yahweh, carrying out punishments for evildoers or testing the faith of humanity. However, over time, the Satan began to be seen as an enemy of God rather than an agent, and was blamed for various problems. Ryan E. Stokes, a biblical scholar, explores the evolution of the Satan tradition in the Hebrew scriptures and early Jewish writings. He discusses the interpretive and creative processes that transformed the Satan from a servant of Yahweh into the archenemy of good and God. Stokes also examines how the concept of a heavenly Satan figure contributed to the problem of evil and became the scapegoat for all the world's wrongdoings. In most western cultures, Christians still hold this belief to this day. Of course people aren't to blame, we're far to advanced for such animalistic behaviour...poor old Satan is to blame!!! It's Satans fault! And this is exactly where the sentiment comes from which dwells in the inner recesses of man.

On Halloween 2023 myself and a couple of members/allies from BAFOSatan went to support the film by attending the premier in London Piccadilly Circus, we were in contact with the crew whom created the documentary so Melissa James, a producer on the documentary, caught us afterwards for a photo! Melissa's Q&A was really insightful and the fact she gave a 'Hail Satan' during one of her answers was magickal and we felt personally represented, and very proud to be Satanists as we reclaimed understanding for our community that bit more through this documentary. So thank you Melissa James! It's also been brought to my attention that the directors of the film have been covered in 2SLGBTQIA+ media, being gay myself it's always incredibly comforting to know people are thriving within the community and more of two communities I'm a part of are aligning more.

Thank you 'Satan Wants You!'

Hail Satan!

Minister Sitri Tommy Belucifer




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